Grilc, Starc & Partnerji Sodelovalci BANNER
When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity, and dies in it,
it is because of the iniquity which he has done that he dies.

When a wicked man turns away from the wickedness
which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself alive.

(Ezk, 18, 26–27)

Če se pravični odvrne od svoje pravičnosti, če ravna krivično in zato umre, umre zaradi krivice, ki jo je počenjal.

Če pa se krivični odvrne od svoje krivičnosti, ki jo je počenjal, in ravna po pravu in pravičnosti, si reši življenje.

(Ezk, 18, 26–27)


The law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners has been established in 2012 by the lawyers Anton Grilc, Iztok Starc in Blaž Guna out of the belief that the future of advocacy lies in the specialization and the mutual networking with the clients. We believe clients ought to be treated as business partners and advocacy must have an entrepreneurial approach.
Since our establishment, we have conducted our business according to our very own business model and in the line with the agreed Strategic Development Program for 2012-2022.

We have been members of the international association TEN – The European Network of Law Firms, since 2017, which brings together internationally oriented and commercially minded law firms from 20 countries, all committed to offering clients expert, personalised legal advice.
High moral, ethical and safety standards of our business have been planted in our firm right from the day of our establishment. They became a part of us, our way of thinking and taking action.
The law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners has been established in 2012 by the lawyers Anton Grilc, Iztok Starc in Blaž Guna out of the belief that the future of advocacy lies in the specialization and the mutual networking with the clients. We believe clients ought to be treated as business partners and advocacy must have an entrepreneurial approach.

Since our establishment, we have conducted our business according to our very own business model and in the line with the agreed Strategic Development Program for 2012-2022.

We have been members of TEN – The European Network of Law Firms, since 2017, which brings together internationally oriented and commercially minded law firms from 20 countries, all committed to offering clients expert, personalised legal advice.
High moral, ethical and safety standards of our business have been planted in our firm right from the day of our establishment. They became a part of us, our way of thinking and taking action.


We are settling disputes, asserting justice and, fighting against injustice.

The business principle as well as the slogan of the Law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners have their origin in the basic principle of the legal profession. It is a part of our organizational culture.

The essence of a good lawyer is settling disputes with all his knowledge and experience and helping clients in need to assert their rights and fight the injustice. We are committed to this mission and follow it in our everyday work.



We are settling disputes, asserting justice and, fighting against injustice.

The business principle as well as the slogan of the Law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners have their origin in the basic principle of the legal profession. It is a part of our organizational culture.

The essence of a good lawyer is settling disputes with all his knowledge and experience and helping clients in need to assert their rights and fight the injustice. We are committed to this mission and follow it in our everyday work.


To become the region’s leading, trustworthy and credible
provider of legal services and legal advice.
To become the region’s leading, trustworthy and credible provider of legal services and legal advice.

The vision of the law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners is a part of us and our
corporative culture. Vision helps us to express our work
passion and responsibility towards environment in which we realize it.


To become the region’s leading, trustworthy and credible
provider of legal services and legal advice.
To become the region’s leading, trustworthy and credible
provider of legal services and legal advice.
The vision of the law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners is a part of us and our corporative culture. Vision helps us to express our work passion and responsibility towards environment in which we realize it.


(…) who clarify the ambiguous facts of litigation, and who by the strength
of their defensive skill exhibited in both criminal and civil suits
rescue other persons in danger of ruin and restore their fortunes

(…) protect the hopes and lives of persons in distress.
The inspiration for the mission of our Law Firm Grilc, Starc & Partners was drawn from the antique Constitution of the Emperors Leo and Anthemius from the year 469.
Although the Constitution promotes the essence of the legal profession in antique, we believe that it can easily refer to modern times.
In this Constitution we recognized our mission and the basis of our work.


Basic legal


of legal profession:

Value of ideological

Values of the Law Firm Grilc, Starc & Partners are arranged in four components which make the coherent system of the values of our corporative culture.
They represent a signpost in our daily work and in reaching our goals. They help us in evaluating each and every action we take and in rating our joint success through time.


Security policy of the Law Firm Grilc, Starc & Partners is the starting point of our working standards and relations with our clients.

Using the most contemporary technical and organizational measures, we guarantee our clients the highest business safety standards, the protection of personal data and discretion.
Within the security policy, we follow our own internal protocol control procedures.


A Strategic Development Program of the Law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners za obdobje od 2012 do 2022 (SPR 2012 – 2022) for 2012 to 2022 has been adopted by the members of the management board in its first ordinary session in November 2012.

It is the fundamental document of our activities and development for a 10-year period. It amounts the analysis of the situation on the legal services market, basic foundations of our establishment, of business and of maintaining the organizational culture as well as development goals with strategies according to individual development periods of the Law Firm Grilc, Starc & Partners.. The SDP 2012 – 2022 is our answer to challenges of today as well as of the future.


A Strategic Development Program of the Law firm Grilc, Starc & Partners for 2012 to 2022 has been adopted by the members of the management board in its first ordinary session in November 2012.

It is the fundamental document of our activities and development for a 10-year period. It amounts the analysis of the situation on the legal services market, basic foundations of our establishment, of business and of maintaining the organizational culture as well as development goals with strategies according to individual development periods of the Law Firm Grilc, Starc & Partners. The SDP 2012 – 2022 is our answer to challenges of today as well as of the future.
This is why our services, advices and recommendations are oriented towards out-of-court settlements and dealing with problems by peaceful means. We believe that judicial proceedings are among last and utmost legal means to protect interests of our clients. We use it when all other legal means are exhausted.
Grilc, Starc & Partnerji Predstavitev
This is why our services, advices and recommendations are oriented towards out-of-court settlements and dealing with problems by peaceful means. We believe that judicial proceedings are among last and utmost legal means to protect interests of our clients. We use it when all other legal means are exhausted.

COMPLETE SUPPORT TO THE BUSINESS SECTOR Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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